Adelphi Acre Community Garden is using GIFTSter to host our wish list. Please select the GREEN WISH LIST image and it will open in a new tab. On GIFTSter there are links to the requested items and the sources. For delivery of purchased item you may contact us at wishlist@adelphiacre.org to arrange drop off OR you may mail directly to AACG c/o 12321 Danny Drive, Austin TX 78759.
In addition to the wish list you may also make a monetary contribution to the Greenhouse Project via the Austin Parks Foundation . Adelphi Acre is under the fiscal umbrella of the Austin Parks Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit.

The Hoop Greenhouse: Season Two
With our first effort this past spring the Greenhouse Team was able to successfully produce from seed 6 different variety of herbs. This was bolstered by a very successful member supported plant sale. In all we were able to produce 120 plants! For the upcoming growing season, we hope to acquire and install the final infrastructure elements that will make the greenhouse usable year round and eventually double our annual production. We now need your support to cross the bridge by helping us to outfit the greenhouse with all the necessary components.
A fully functioning greenhouse at Adelphi Acre will make it possible for us to:
- Increase support for the CUMC Food Pantry
- Enhance plant productivity & offer wider array at bi-annual sale
- Reduce upfront plant sale costs with in-house seedling starts
- Support a garden plot scholarship to low income residents
- Extend outreach to local refugee organizations
- Expand seed collecting & plant propagation workshops to surrounding communities
- Dedicated revenue stream to maintain garden infrastructure as it ages
Giving back and being part of the wider community has been ingrained in the mission of Adelphi Acre Community Garden since its inception and we are proud supporters of the Covenant United Methodist Food Bank.
“Be Prepared”…such is the motto of the Scout. AAGC has forged a symbiotic relationship with the Girls and Boys Scouts of Central Texas that may sustain a lifetime.
AACG is a host site for Generation Serve, an organization dedicated to engaging children in volunteerism and ‘hands-on’ learning about sustainable food, empowering them to make a difference in their communities.